Oh and both nights there was drama and suspense!
Night #1 our translator called like 2 hours before to inform us he in fact, could not translate for us that night. This is a huge problem because it is very difficult to get a translator on a week’s notice, much less 2 hours. Luckily our friend John Kingma saved the day and came to our rescue in the nick of time!
Night #2 we are sitting at home, waiting for the bus we rented to come pick us up. Normally it is no more than 10 minutes late, so after half an hour we were pretty worried. We called our friend who rented the bus for us (if we as white people try to rent anything the price goes up to a ridiculous amount) and he called the driver who said, “What?! Haha! NO!! I can’t come tonight! Only last night!!” I guess he had either forgot to let us know or just didn’t think it was necessary to let us know that he could not, in fact, keep the two-night commitment he gave us earlier in the week. Luckily we pay at the end of each night so there was no money lost. But Unluckily we had no bus and were already half an hour behind schedule!! So Steve and our translator for the night, Mr. Conrad, scrambled like mad to find us a random bus off the street. A driver said “Yes! No problem!” but then when we were on the bus and driving for 15 minutes he was like, “I just have to go to the station and ask my boss.” *exasperated sigh*. Thankfully his boss said yes (or at least wasn’t there to say no), and we made it to the festival somewhat fashionably late!
Here are some pictures:
Handing out flyers in the village.
Quite a big jambur.
Preaching the Gospel.
Still Preaching.
Lookin' good in a tie.
Children Singing.
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